ICMET Craiova – National Institute For Research, Development And Testing In Electrical Engineering
+40 351 404 888 (40) 351 404 890 market@icmet.ro icmet@icmet.ro Visit website
118A Decebal Ave.
Craiova, 200746
Key Contact Personnel:
Ioan Iordache, General Manager iordache.ioan@icmet.ro
Ion Patru, Scientific Manager ipatru@icmet.ro
Year Founded:
HV Lab: 1974
HP Lab: 1974
Major Export Markets Served: The European Union, Asia, Middle East
Low and High Voltage Laboratory
EN ISO IEC 17025
Number of Employees in High Voltage Laboratory: 35
Dimension of Main Test Hall: 48 m length x 32 m width x 27 m height
Dimension of Secondary Test Hall: 26 m length x 32 m width x 27 m height
Dielectric Testing Facilities:
Max. Volt. | |
Impulse Testing: | |
Lightning Impulse | 3000 kV peak |
Switching Imp. (Dry) | 2000 kV peak |
Switching Imp. (Wet) | 1500 kV peak |
A.C. Testing: 25 – 150 Hz | 800 kV |
Dry & Wet | 800 kV / 1.2A |
D.C. Testing: | |
Dry | 1000 kV / 30 mA |
Partial Discharge & RIV Testing: | Up to 600 kV |
Capacitance & Tan ∂ Testing: | Up to 600 kV |
Other Testing Capabilities: On-site AE PD measurements on power and instrument transformers;
Type tests for composite insulation strings up to 420 kV rated voltage
High Power Laboratory (“Ovidiu Rarinca”)
EN ISO IEC 17025
Total Number of Employees in HP Laboratory: 31
Kind of Power Source for the HP Laboratory: Three short-circuit generators each 2500 MVA, 120 KA for 0.5 sec.
Specifications of Main Test Bay
Max. MVA: 4000 MVA
Max. kV: 123 kV
Max. kA & Duration: 63 kA, 0.2 sec.
Electrical Tests:
Low, Medium and High Voltage Tests: Short-circuit making and breaking tests (active load, capacitor bank switching, charging cables, and lines, inductive load switching) for: circuit breakers, switches, switch-disconnectors, switches fuses combination, contactors, metal enclosed switchgears, GIS; Internal arc tests for, metal enclosed switchgear, GIS; prefabricated substation, current and voltage transformers; Breaking tests for fuses; Short-circuit tests for power transformers up to 120 MVA, reactors, current and voltage transformers, surge arresters, portable equipment for earthing or earthing and short-circuiting; Single and double earth fault, out of phase tests for circuit breakers and GIS
Heat Run Tests: Power transformers and prefabricated substation up to 1600 kVA and instrument transformers.
Other Types of High Power Tests Offered: Temperature-rise tests up to 10,000 A (AC), short-time (150 kArms) and peak (375 kA max) withstand current tests for: circuit breakers, switches disconnectors earthing switches, metal enclosed switchgear, GIS, current and voltage transformers, bushings, busbar trunking system (inclusive resistance and reactance measurements), shunt capacitors for AC power systems tests.
Test Facilities & Capabilities: l²t measurement of HV fuses; measurements of switching overvoltages on HV networks up to 420 kV rated voltage; determination no-load dielectric characteristics for circuit breakers up to 170 kV rated voltage; diagnosis off-line for switching equipment.
Other Test Capabilities
Mechanical Tests: Tensile and compression tests; mechanical endurance test for circuit breakers, disconnectors and contactors; static force load test on electrical equipment
Environmental & Fire Safety Tests
EMC Tests: Conducted and radiated emission and immunity tests according to CISPR-xx, IEC 61000-x-xx and Product Standards
EMF Tests: Environmental electric/magnetic field characterization according to exposure directives 1999/519/EC and 2004/40/EC
Acoustic Measurement: Sound level test at MV and HV power transformers
Calibration Capabilities: Reference measuring systems for LI, SI, AC, DC as Romanian National Standards with PTB Germany traceability; Calibration services for LI, SI, AC, DC and impulse charge, HF electric field strength and magnetic flux density, force calibration.